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Zur Sicht- und Hörbarmachung von Musikerinnen
VOL. 1
Organized by Verena Zeiner, Sara Zlanabitnig, Nina Stainer, Alexander Yannilos
Recorded, mixed, mastered /produced by
Alexander Yannilos, 2017
Studio assistance: Linda Steiger
Sara Zlanabitnig, Margarethe Deppe, Milly Groz, Susanna Gartmayer, Agnes Hvizdalek, Julia Schreitl, Judith Reiter, Astrid Wiesinger, Beate Wiesinger, Sophia Goidinger-Koch, Maiken Beer, Caitlin Smith, Verena Zeiner, Maria Frodl, Lisa Hofmaninger, Judith Schwarz, Ingrid Schmoliner, Christine Gnigler, Sheng-Fang Chiu, Lorina Vallaster und Judith Ferstl.
Curated by Verena Zeiner
Artwork by mahola/Screenaddicts
Release: 16.10. 2017 ECHORAUM
TONTRAEGER #023 Kaufen
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